Thursday, May 7, 2015

Cutting Weight, Healing Leg: Part 9

I weighed 162 (wtf?? I know wtf. I ate a lot of veggies yesterday and did not poop) pounds this morning. I ate approximately 2,575 calories today, and burned approximately 861 calories doing exercise (muay thai: big day).

Leg: yes. Still knotted, and won't be perfect, and I'm not hitting with my right knee still. But: yes.


So, here we are on one of these weird euphoric highs from a day of intense training, training that does not happen at night (this makes a big difference for me, in all respects), and a beautiful California day in which everything is right.

I felt flickers today, boxing--still just boxing, boxing boxing boxing; I think Coach has done a smart thing with the leg situation, which is this boxing routine that I'll describe more in the post with those videos--of fun. Flickers where I wasn't thinking tactics or aggression or defense, but just I was having fun, moving around. I think that's partially a function of it being a somehow less brutal day than others, maybe. And certainly a function of yesterday having been an off day, just yoga. But also it's working the sport, and getting in my own dumb way better at it. I like this thing that Coach is hammering me about--move move move, action action action--and I hope I get better at it, hope I execute, hope hope hope push push push go.

Fun. It is great when it is, and kind of wonderful that it can be, in the midst of pretty intense training. But it is. It is is is.

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