Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Cutting Weight, Healing Leg: Part 6 (Training Video!)

Okay, I like this video - it's a bit different. Coach is using an altered pad technique, and it's all about throwing a quick punch/low-kick combo and then getting out of the way. Strike-strike-move; strike-strike-move. For the last basically whole minute you can see Coach driving this point home by swinging for me after each kick, and you can see that some of the time I'm moving back quickly enough and some of the time... not as much.

Some other things that I see:
- I've noted in previous videos some of the balletic-ness of my stance, and my tendency not to be based enough. You can see that here, for sure. My foot movement is sometimes okay, but I often (particularly circling to my left) cross my feet. The reason this is bad is that a fast opponent who notices it could use it cross me up: could come at me fast in some way that'd stumble me and leave me open to attack, or just knock me down. I shouldn't do it, although I know why I do, which is that I'm trying to be fast and that's still how my body does those movements. Something to work on. Maybe won't solve it by Saturday.
- My arms are up a bit more, a bit better. So that's good.
- Nonetheless, you can see around 1m8s and a couple other spots where Coach just has a wide open lane down the middle, and pads me in the face down that lane. Yikes. That is a bad thing for me to let happen. That is an invitation to get punched hard.

I like this drill; particularly in a stretch of lots of days of doing 4 and 5 rounds of straight Muay Thai pad-work, it was a nice change.

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