Saturday, May 2, 2015

Cutting Weight, Healing Leg: Part 4

I weighed 163 pounds this morning. I ate approximately 2,153 calories today, and burned approximately 676 calories doing exercise (yoga, muay thai).

Leg: So now I have these weird bruises on both knees. But honestly I'm just talking about them because there's a "leg" space. They're the sort of thing you'd usually ice and forget about; not like the contusion in my thigh that's the point of concern. Anyway: bruised knees. Not sure how the right one got bruised, as I've not been kneeing it because of the thigh. Left: very clearly know how.

Eat Protein.

This is my advice to you. To myself.

I know it is trendy and paleo to go on about protein. And I know that a macronutrient balance is essential to health and happiness; I sometimes even, in fact, wind up being the carrier of this very message to people who need it (I am thinking in particular of a few young women I've tutored, and "cleanses").

BUT, when you are counting your calories, and are still using your body, for me, every meal that I don't optimize protein is one that I kick myself for.

It's partially of course about indulgence, but also just calculation. A chocolate croissant does not have that many calories. If you are working out hard, even if you are cutting weight, it is not a big deal to eat a chocolate croissant. But it is, because you are using up your 290-or-whatever calories on something with practically no protein, and if you're me you will be hungry weak sad and tired because of that.

As opposed to, say, these. No I am not a paid rep for these people. Yes I would work as a paid rep for these people. Sweet Earth, hit me up. Their "functional" breakfast burrito is amazing, because it makes you not hungry for a long time.

What I'm saying is, to avoid the kind of cavernous dire hunger that I'm feeling right now, eat protein. Don't eat the chocolate g.d. croissant. Eat. Protein.

Last food thing: kind of interesting. While it's hard, not-eating to cut weight while training is really different than not-eating in general. I thankfully have very little experience not-eating in general, but in my experience it involves lots of will-power and this and that. Cutting weight for a fight involves will-power, too, but I guess you're so in it that it feels as much like an acquiescence to what is. Do you want to make weight for this fight? I.e., do you want to do this fight, that you are busting your ass for, and that other people are investing time and effort in your doing? Okay. Then you are not eating more, right now/today, or whatever. It's just fact.

It also helps that you train so hard that you're not hungry after, usually, although if you screw up your timing on eating & training gosh that makes training harder and way way less fun and effective.

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