Saturday, May 2, 2015

Cutting Weight, Healing Leg: Part 5

I weighed 160.2 pounds this morning. I ate approximately 2,583  calories today, and burned approximately 694 calories doing exercise (yoga, muay thai).

Leg: .

Making weight making weight. Close.

Hope you enjoyed the something-different in the videos. Super big thanks to CCK for her awesome help. You can check out her and her ruggedness here.

I have several scattered thoughts to share with all the beautiful people today. Here they are.

The first is a story about my gym. It's pretty simple. I told one of the guys at the gym about the campaign to raise money for Nepal, and he listened and kind of crossed his arm and hmm hmmed as I did. And then he paused, and I could tell he didn't like it. He then pronounced it, in rapid succession, several things:
Then, some waffling, then:
Followed quickly post more-waffling by:
Until finally, and with acknowledgement that this was the word he was looking for all along, the word that encompassed all the others:
I thought this whole thing was amazing, and feel privileged to have been a passive participant in the whole conversation.

Here's my really obvious next thought: it gets really easy not to waste calories when you're counting them. Like, it's not hard not to drink a f***ing beer or glass of wine; it's not hard not to eat that brownie. Do you realize how much you will not get to eat if you eat that brownie? That brownie is, like, the enemy. F**k that brownie, in the reals.

A subtler version of this is eating after training. My appetite is generally pretty suppressed for awhile after training hard, but later I get hungry. But... I'm not doing anything else that day. I'm not training. I'm not working (this is a complication: making sure my brain is fed while cutting). I'm going home and doing probably some dumb stuff maybe and going to sleep. So that's a good time to be hungry. Eating then: "wasted" calories.

This is a weird game, and I suppose it's good that I'm horsing around with it, but it'll be good when I don't have to play it anymore. I'm getting a haircut soon, and literally I'm calculating how much that'll take off my weight (my guess is about 0.3 lbs).

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