Monday, March 20, 2017

HliAT #18: Some Quick Calisthenics

How Long It Actually Takes To...

Do some quick calisthenics* at home before bed because it was this crazy day where you were all over Southern California and did not in fact do a workout and you feel turgid without doing something: 13:53.29

(1) 60 of these weird push-ups you do where you keep your shoulders engaged and weight not sunk into them that you do for PT for your shoulder so that...well so that you keep your shoulder (muscles) engaged and not sunk into them (meaning: joints, tendons), especially in yoga
(2) 20 chin-ups
(3) 60 of these other weird push-ups, which ditto as (1)
(4) 20 pull-ups (the link in (2) explains the difference between pull- and chin-ups, if you somehow both care and don't know)
(5) 600 bicycle sit-ups, or 300 as you count them (one pair, touching right elbow to left knee then left elbow to right knee, counts as one)
(6) 60 of yet a third kind of weird push-up, which ditto as (1) and (3)
(7) 20 hammer-grip chin-ups (palms facing each other)

Also, somewhere in there (just before (3)?) you scampered outside to get a towel to lay on the mat)

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