Thursday, April 30, 2015

Cutting Weight, Healing Leg: Part 2

I weighed 165.4 pounds this morning. I ate approximately 2,036 calories today, and burned approximately 880 calories doing exercise (Muay Thai - Saturdays are 4 real).

Leg: DID NOT GET HURT DOING MUAY THAI. But I only boxed, so. Bridges still to cross.

Wuwuuut! This is a feeling good entry. I hope it's not the only one!

So the thing about the days that feel good in training is that they feel GOOD. What it feels like is this: you have the quiet, contented, delighted exhilaration of having really pushed your body.

You have the equally amazing feeling--touch wood--of having gotten banged up and dinged up but NOT injured, which if you're like me is one of the best feelings you can have. It's like the moment on a downhill mountain bike ride, when you skid out but then get it back, and you laugh and you laugh.

That's... actually that's about it. There's a third thing, on days where training is hard and goes well, which is that after a couple of hours you are really hungry in a way that's pleasurable. But, alas, none of that for me today.

Not much to say--being happy, as has often been noted, makes me a lot less thoughtful and reflective. These workouts are grueling; that's great, they should be. Coach is being great about working around my leg, and everyone in the gym is pitching in a helpful, generous way. And I'm falling asleep as I write this.

So... rest. Don't worry: I'm sure I'll have some low-points soon, and write some really deep stuff.

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